Short quotations about, comfort

Short quotations about, comfort quotes. All you need to know about comfort. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about comfort. Short, famous and funny quotes about comfort. Our collection of quotes is easy to navigate and new quotes are added every month. Quotations and quotes on comfort. Find great short quotations about life, comfort, friendship, family, health, people, online. Quotes from famous authors, poets, philosophers and more comfort.


The scholar who cherishes the love …

17 May , 2024  

The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar. Great short quote and quotation by: Confucius, The Confucian Analects , Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC – 479 BC)

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Ralph Waldo Emerson, ?Journal, 1860

The teaching of politics is that th…

23 Sep , 2021  

The teaching of politics is that the Government, which was set for protection and comfort of all good citizens, becomes the principal obstruction and nuisance with which we have to contend? The cheat and bully and malefactor we meet everywhere is the Government. Great short quote and quotation by: Ralph Waldo Emerson, ?Journal, 1860 ,

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Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

The ultimate measure of a man is no…

24 Sep , 2019  

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Great short quote and quotation by: Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963 , US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)

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Martin Luther King Jr

The ultimate measure of a man is no…

24 Sep , 2019  

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Great short quote and quotation by: Martin Luther King Jr ,

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The ultimate measure of a man is no…

24 Sep , 2019  

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Great short quote and quotation by: Martin Luther King Jr. , US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)

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There will be little rubs and disap…

25 Feb , 2014  

There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere. Great short quote and quotation by: Jane Austen, Mansfield Park […]

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Thou art all the comfort,
The G…

24 May , 2012  

Thou art all the comfort, The Gods will diet me with. Great short quote and quotation by: William Shakespeare , Greatest English dramatist & poet (1564 – 1616)


Too often we…enjoy the comfort of…

13 Oct , 2011  

Too often we…enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. Great short quote and quotation by: John F. Kennedy , US Democratic politician (1917 – 1963)

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Too often we… enjoy the comfort o…

13 Oct , 2011  

Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. Great short quote and quotation by: John F. Kennedy , US Democratic politician (1917 – 1963)

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We act as though comfort and luxury…

15 Feb , 2011  

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. Great short quote and quotation by: Charles Kingsley , English Anglican clergyman & novelist (1819 – 1875)

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Charles Kingsley

We act as though comfort and luxury…

15 Feb , 2011  

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about. Great short quote and quotation by: Charles Kingsley , English Anglican clergyman & novelist (1819 – 1875)

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R. D. Hitchcock

Wealth is not of necessity a curse,…

15 Feb , 2011  

Wealth is not of necessity a curse, nor poverty a blessing. Wholesome and easy abundance is better than either extreme; better for our manhood that we have enough for daily comfort; enough for culture, for hospitality, for charity. More than this may or may not be a blessing. Certainly it can be a blessing only […]

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