Short quotations about, which

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Alexander Hamilton, Loth, Dave, Alexander Hamilton, Portrait of a Prodigy, Rahway, Carrick & Evans, Inc., 1939

The same state of the passions whic…

17 May , 2024  

The same state of the passions which fits the multitude, who have not sufficient stock of reason and knowledge to guide them, for opposition to tyranny and oppression, very naturally leads them to a contempt and disregard of all authority. Great short quote and quotation by: Alexander Hamilton, Loth, Dave, Alexander Hamilton, Portrait of a […]

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The same refinement which brings us…

17 May , 2024  

The same refinement which brings us new pleasures, exposes us to new pains. Great short quote and quotation by: Edward Bulwer-Lytton , English dramatist, novelist, & politician (1803 – 1873)

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Johann Von Neumann

The sciences do not try to explain,…

17 May , 2024  

The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work. Great short […]

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John Von Neumann

The sciences do not try to explain,…

17 May , 2024  

The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work. Great short […]

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The secret of a good memory is atte…

17 May , 2024  

The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. Great short quote and quotation by: Tryon Edwards , (1809 – 1894)

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Albert Einstein, (attributed)

The significant problems we have ca…

17 May , 2024  

The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. Great short quote and quotation by: Albert Einstein, (attributed) , US (German-born) physicist (1879 – 1955)

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Imam Ali, Peak of Eloquence (Nahjul Balagha)

The sin which makes you sad and rep…

17 May , 2024  

The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant. Great short quote and quotation by: Imam Ali, Peak of Eloquence (Nahjul Balagha) ,

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Edwin Schlossberg

The skill of writing is to create a…

17 May , 2024  

The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. Great short quote and quotation by: Edwin Schlossberg ,

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The society which scorns excellence…

17 May , 2024  

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exaulted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy…neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. Great short quote and quotation by: John W. Gardner , US administrator (1912 – )

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The society which scorns excellence…

17 May , 2024  

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy…neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water. Great short quote and quotation by: John W. Gardner , US administrator (1912 – )

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Elsa Barker

The solving of almost every crime m…

17 May , 2024  

The solving of almost every crime mystery depends on something which seems, at the first glance, to bear no relation whatever to the original crime. Great short quote and quotation by: Elsa Barker ,

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The sort of liveliness which increa…

17 May , 2024  

The sort of liveliness which increases with age is not far distant from madness. Great short quote and quotation by: Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Reflexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales , French author & moralist (1613 – 1680)

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