Short quotations about, basis

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The war is not meant to be won, it …

25 Jan , 2017  

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of […]

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J.B.S. Haldane, "On Being the Right Size" in the (1928) book "Possible Worlds"

To the biologist the problem of soc…

13 Oct , 2011  

To the biologist the problem of socialism appears largely as a problem of size. The extreme socialists desire to run every nation as a single business concern. I do not suppose that Henry Ford would find much difficulty in running Andorra or Luxembourg on a socialistic basis. He has already more men on his pay-roll […]

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Truth is the secret of eloquence an…

5 Aug , 2011  

Truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of moral authority; it is the highest summit of art and life. Great short quote and quotation by: Henri-Fr?d?ric Amiel ,

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Dan Quayle

Vietnam is a jungle. You had jungle…

24 Mar , 2011  

Vietnam is a jungle. You had jungle warfare. Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, you have sand. [There is no need to worry about a protracted war because] from a historical basis, Middle East conflicts do not last a long time. Great short quote and quotation by: Dan Quayle, 10/2/90 (reported in Esquire, 8/92) , US Republican […]

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W. Edwards Deming

What we need to do is learn to work…

15 Feb , 2011  

What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for individual competitive profit or recognition, but for contribution to the system as a whole on a win-win basis. Great short quote and quotation by: W. […]

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When you have no basis of argument,…

15 Feb , 2011  

When you have no basis of argument, abuse the plaintiff. Great short quote and quotation by: Cicero , Roman author, orator, & politician (106 BC – 43 BC)

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