Short quotations about, finest

Short quotations about, finest quotes. All you need to know about finest. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about finest. Short, famous and funny quotes about finest. Our collection of quotes is easy to navigate and new quotes are added every month. Quotations and quotes on finest. Find great short quotations about life, finest, friendship, family, health, people, online. Quotes from famous authors, poets, philosophers and more finest.

John Foster Dulles

The world will never have lasting p…

25 Jan , 2017  

The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human qualities. Peace, no less than war, requires idealism and self-sacrifice and a righteous and dynamic faith. Great short quote and quotation by: John Foster Dulles ,

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Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maroussi

To be silent the whole day long, se…

13 Oct , 2011  

To be silent the whole day long, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself. Great short quote and quotation by: Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maroussi , US […]

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We should often be ashamed of our f…

15 Feb , 2011  

We should often be ashamed of our finest actions if the world understood our motives. Great short quote and quotation by: Francois de La Rochefoucauld , French author & moralist (1613 – 1680)

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