Short quotations about, acquires

Short quotations about, acquires quotes. All you need to know about acquires. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about acquires. Short, famous and funny quotes about acquires. Our collection of quotes is easy to navigate and new quotes are added every month. Quotations and quotes on acquires. Find great short quotations about life, acquires, friendship, family, health, people, online. Quotes from famous authors, poets, philosophers and more acquires.

Francis A. Carter

There is only one way in which a pe…

17 Nov , 2014  

There is only one way in which a person acquires a new idea; by combination or association of two or more ideas he already has into a new juxtaposition in such a manner as to discover a relationship among them of which he was not previously aware. Great short quote and quotation by: Francis A. […]

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