Short quotations about, feels

Short quotations about, feels quotes. All you need to know about feels. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about feels. Short, famous and funny quotes about feels. Our collection of quotes is easy to navigate and new quotes are added every month. Quotations and quotes on feels. Find great short quotations about life, feels, friendship, family, health, people, online. Quotes from famous authors, poets, philosophers and more feels.

Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

The world is so empty if one thinks…

25 Jan , 2017  

The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities, but to know that there is someone who, though distant, thinks and feels with us — this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden. Great short quote and quotation by: Johan Wolfgang von Goethe ,

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Wendy Ward

The worst moment for an atheist is …

6 Sep , 2016  

The worst moment for an atheist is when he feels grateful and has no one to thank. Great short quote and quotation by: Wendy Ward ,

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To err is human, but is feels divin…

13 Oct , 2011  

To err is human, but is feels divine. Great short quote and quotation by: Mae West , US movie actress (1892 – 1980)

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Kelvin Throop

To get the attention of a large ani…

13 Oct , 2011  

To get the attention of a large animal, be it an elephant or a bureaucracy, it helps to know what part of it feels pain. Be very sure, though, that you want its full attention. Great short quote and quotation by: Kelvin Throop ,

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What omniscience has music! So abso…

15 Feb , 2011  

What omniscience has music! So absolutely impersonal, yet every sufferer feels his secret sorrow soothed. Great short quote and quotation by: Ralph Waldo Emerson , US essayist & poet (1803 – 1882)

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When a man feels throbbing within h…

15 Feb , 2011  

When a man feels throbbing within him the power to do what he undertakes as well as it can possibly be done, and all of his faculties say “amen” to what he is doing, and give their unqualified approval to his efforts, – this is happiness, this is success. Great short quote and quotation by: […]

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Henry C. Link

While one person hesitates because …

15 Feb , 2011  

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior. Great short quote and quotation by: Henry C. Link ,

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Who feels no ills, should, therefor…

15 Feb , 2011  

Who feels no ills, should, therefore, fear them; and when fortune smiles, be doubly cautious, lest destruction come remorseless on him, and he fall unpitied. Great short quote and quotation by: Sophocles , Greek tragic dramatist (496 BC – 406 BC)

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Whoever feels pain in hearing a goo…

15 Feb , 2011  

Whoever feels pain in hearing a good character of his neighbor, will feel a pleasure in the reverse. And those who despair to rise in distinction by their virtues, are happy if others can be depressed to a level of themselves. Great short quote and quotation by: Benjamin Franklin , US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, […]

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J. K. Rowling

Youth cannot know how age thinks an…

11 Jan , 2010  

Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young. Great short quote and quotation by: J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2003 , British fantasy author

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Marge Piercy

[Long hair] is considered bohemian,…

11 Jan , 2010  

[Long hair] is considered bohemian, which may be why I grew it, but I keep it long because I love the way it feels, part cloak, part fan, part mane, part security blanket. Great short quote and quotation by: Marge Piercy ,

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