Quotes and quotations by Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814

Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814 quotes and quotations. All you need to know about Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814. Find news, facts, videos, articles and links about Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814. Read news stories and see / listen to videos. Quotations and quotes by Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814. Free quotation, quote and sayings about love, life, friendship by Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814. A collection of inspiring, moving, and funny quotes. Quotations and Sayings said by famous people across the globe. Quotes by theme, topic or word.

Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814

Wisdom is better than wit, and in t…

15 Feb , 2011  

Wisdom is better than wit, and in the long run will certainly have the laugh on her side. Great short quote and quotation by: Jane Austen, from a letter to her niece, November 18, 1814 , English novelist (1775 – 1817)

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